This food changed me!
I have the disease Superficial Siderosis (website here), the condition hit me hard and fast causing many health problems to return from a brain haemorrhage back in 1982, returning problems were;
Memory loss
Tremor in R hand side of body
Double vision
Head and body shakes
As I said, it hit hard adding more problems to my health like;
Hearing loss
Peristaltic tremors
A great deal of tiredness
In order to slow the deterioration down and hopefully stop it getting worse, I was put on the drug Defeniprone as well as 7 other types of medication, some several times a day.. Taking these drugs meant I could not eat foods with Iron, Zinc or vitamin C two hours prior or after taking Feriprox and red meat was advised to be avoided. This left me feeling even more tired, I was sleeping during the day and had very little energy for anything.
Whilst shopping I met Simon who introduced me to Herbalife, we met again and I bought a 3 day trial pack from him, the results at the time were fat loss and energy. I discussed the results with my consultant and decided to stay on the products taking a spinal tap and MRI reading at the end of the year to see how safe it is for those with my condition. The results I am feeling are incredible.
As a neurological medical condition, the effects of good nutrition have resulted in;
Memory gain and retention
Fewer headaches
No more peristaltic tremors
I am so awake and full of energy I keep fit, run a charity as well as a business
incontinence is a distant memory
I have gained pounds of muscle mass, lost pounds of body fat and awake with a zest for life and bounce out of bed! Do you want to feel like that? Text BOUNCE with your phone number here NOW!
(for a more detailed account, please scroll down)
The food that changed the course of my life
This is my brief account as to how changing my diet dramaticly changed my health. I have a neurological degenerative condition that is uncommon.
I was desperate for a way to gain and keep good health, this was a godsend. Please take a moment to see how this range of nutritional products can help your clients with their lifestyle management, get a discount on your nutrition whilst making an extra income.
Whilst in town I met an Independent Herbalife Nutrition Distributor ( and who was offering free body fat testing. My test showed results that called for attention.
Problem – My body and Visceral fat were too high also my metabolic age was 19 years + my age! I knew of friends that spoke highly of Herbalife and so wanted in there and then.
First steps to recovery - A Free (no obligation) 30min Wellness profile that consisted of a 2 parts: 1) a weigh in on Body Statistical scales and 2) an introduction on the Herbalife Nutrition 3 day trial pack (3 days worth of plant based nutrition).
My Herbalife coach Simon Gowing worked with me over the 3 days and the results were incredible, after only 3 days worth of cellular nutrition taken with food, water and my medication (with doctors permission), I gained more energy, and dropped body fat, in time my digestive system started to function properly again– I felt like a new man and regained my dignity! – UNBELIEVABLE!!! Its all about the right nutrition in the right proportions.
After the 3 day trial, I upgraded onto a full Herbalife Nutrition programme. I’ve now been using Herbalife for over 12months, given my medical condition, my specialists are astounded by my latest test results, with the money I have saved I have been able to live much more comfortably. Simon has supported me in my new healthy active lifestyle (80% Nutrition (Food+Water+Herbalife), 20% exercise (cardio & weights)), I have a 100% Mindset to succeed, slow down ageing, get fit and help others do the same.
My results are staggering – it’s not easy with my health problems and I have kept my medical chain in the loop along the journey. Myself and Herbalife are not making any medicinal claims but just giving your body what it needs on a daily basis works incredibly well!
My starting results: 22/07/15
AGE: 44
BFAT: 31.6%
WGT: 150 lb
Water: 51.8
Visceral: 12.5
Met rate: 1393
Met Age: 59
Muscle mass 95.8
My results to date: 06/08/16
AGE: 45
BFAT: 28.7
WGT: 152.6 lb
Water: 52.9
Visceral: 12
Met rate: 1459
Met Age: 60
Muscle mass 103.2
I have now joined Herbalife as a distributor and am in training to become a wellness coach. I am putting to use my years of qualifications and experience in wellness and fitness making a difference to peoples lives with nutritional products I truly believe in.
I am looking for:
1/ people around the world to join me on this road to excellent health, start on a 3 or 6 day nutritional day trial and let me be your Herbalife coach
2/ I am also looking for fun, serious and teachable people to join my expanding Herbalife team - helping others get great results like me.
You already offer the fitness side of health, If you would like to offer your clients the full package then text or call me on 07834 987330 for more information on Herbalife Nutrition.
To keep up with my journey follow me: