Medication and Treatment II
This the second of our Medication Q & A pages with Dr Levy - please view the first one here.
We're really grateful that the expert based at Massachusettes General has been working with us since 2015, and we've built up quite an archive over the past few years. With a little sifting, you should find the answer you're looking for. However, we know we haven't covered everything, so if there's something else you need to know, please contact us - we'd be happy to forward your question. It's part of what we do.
These answers relate to medication and treatment of Superficial Siderosis and its associated symptoms. If you're looking for something specific, please use your internet browser's page search facility (usually in the top right hand corner of your screen) to search particular keywords or alternatively, browse down the page to learn more about how Superficial Siderosis can affect everyday life and what can be done to help. If you'd like to broaden your search, you may find what you're looking for on another part of the Silent Bleed site - please use the search box in the header above.